What is Homes4D&G?
The new Homes4D&G online housing information, advice and letting service will support you in making the right choices about your housing needs.
Homes4D&G letting service is a common housing partnership consisting of four housing associations: Wheatley Homes South, Cunninghame, Riverside Housing and Home Group.
This new service offers:
- great advice, tailored to you, about your housing;
- more information about the homes available and the area they’re in; and
- the ability to note your interest and check on the progress of applications.
The changes to this service have been designed to be fair to people in most need of social housing, including families in need. It’s also aimed at helping disabled people, older people and homeless people. But no matter what people’s circumstances, everyone will get great information and advice to help them get the right home for them.
Properties are advertised on Tuesdays and Fridays and you will be able to access these through your online account. For existing tenants of Wheatley Homes South these will be accessible via their My Wheatley Homes South account.